Exact spelling of first and last name (no nicknames)
Company Identifier: Creekstone
4-digit pin (Last 4 digits of SSN)
Date of birth
You’ll use the same email as last year
If you forget your password, just select “Reset Password”
Make sure you watch the full EMOD
If you need assistance we’re at your service!
Open enrollment is the yearly period when benefit eligible employees can enroll in or make changes to their health insurance and other benefit options.
The general benefit details you should need to reference is in your Enrollment Meeting on Demand Above. You can also view the full benefit summaries for each plan offered in your enrollment portal under the documents section. If you have questions you can schedule a personal one-on-one call with one of our Benefit Sherpa’s in just a few clicks below.
You can enroll in or make changes to your benefits using the button above “Enroll in Benefits” during the open enrollment period, or if you are newly hired during your eligibility window. On this page you will see an instructional video explains how to complete your elections step-by-step.
You can schedule a call with one of our Benefit Sherpas, scheduling a 15-minute consultation is easy, just select “Connect with a Sherpa” below and schedule yourself when it’s best.
If you miss open enrollment, you may not be able to make changes to your benefits until the next open enrollment period, unless you experience a qualifying life event (e.g., marriage, birth of a child). Please reach out to your HR and one of our Benefit Sherpas can help address your specific need.
Generally, you cannot make changes to your benefits after the open enrollment period has ended, unless you experience a qualifying life event as mentioned above. If you have a qualifying event you can simply schedule a consultation with one of our Benefit Sherpa’s and they can help you with your substantiation and enrollment process.
Our Benefits Sherpas are your Expert Support Year Round !